Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Asiatic clams are indigenous to Asia and tropical areas. It was first discovered in the United States in 1924. It is  a small clam. The largest get about 1.5 inches long. They prefer to live in sandy or gravel areas which is why they are located in the Ocmulgee River. What we did when looking for these clams is took a shovel full of the floor of the river and then sifted the material that came up until the only thing that was left was the clams and rocks. We didn't find a lot of clams but it may have been because of the area where we were looking for them. We were set up by where the boats come in and out of the water so the clams probably choose to live elsewhere.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day!!!

This is from our adventure in the Hitchiti Forest. We we hugging trees because today is Earth Day!! Happy Earth Day everyone!!

 This is a link to the Earth Day network which shows us some activities that we can do to help the earth!

Friday, April 15, 2011

What can I find on Mercer's Campus?

For lab, we had to walk around campus and find 5 different plants, trees, animals and areas where erosion could be a problem. Finding the trees and plants were very easy. It was the animals that was probably the hardest because the only animal that we knew for sure was always on campus was the squirrels. There are probably more than one species of birds, but to photograph them and identify which ones were different was going to be a hard thing to do. Tia posted some of the pictures that we took because Darius and I couldn't download them from our phones. This lab was fun because we got to explore campus and we were able to do it on our own time and with whoever we wanted which was nice.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oclulgee National Monument


This week for lab we went to Ocmulgee National Monument. It is places like these when I realize how beautiful the south is. Coming from a place where trees are sparse, it was refreshing to go on top of that monument and see trees all around me. It was an amazing experience that I won't forget. I think that I could have stayed up there all day and just looked out at the trees and feel the breeze. I posted this link because this is what came to my mind when I was there.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Burgess Shale

This is a link to an animation on the Burgess Shale. The Burgess Shale is located in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The fossils of several animals were found in this mountain. The idea that baffles the minds of scientists is that these animals appear to have just popped up overnight. The mystery of the Burgess Shale has still not been solved.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rio Grande River

This is the Rio Grande River which runs through Colorado, New Mexico and is the border of Texas and Mexico. The river makes its way into the Gulf of Mexico. The Rio Grande is the 5th longest river in the United States and the 20th longest river in the world. Dams have been created for irrigation, to control the river and to prevent overflow. In Albuquerque, it is clear to see when the dam is open and when it is closed. A lot of water has been lost and in Albuquerque the locals joke around and call it "Rio Chico" because there is hardly any water at one point in the city.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mr. Tomato Head.......is dead

I decided that I wanted to name my plant Mr. Tomato Head because I feel like it fits him better. Because he wasn't getting a lot of sun, I thought that since he doesn't get a lot of sunlight in my room, that I would put him in my car. It worked for a couple of days because I didn't leave him there for a long time, but unfortunately I left him in for too long today and when I went to get him, he was withered. I took him out and put him back in my room. He didn't make it....I found the perfect name for him and then he died. R.I.P Mr. Tomato Head!!!