Friday, February 25, 2011

What kind of rock is that????

 This is a picture of an igneous rock. An igneous rock is a rock that is formed from magma in a volcano. The magma can cool quickly or slowly. The slow cooling rocks like granite above forms larger crystals, while the faster cooling rocks form smaller crystals.

Metamorphic rocks are the rocks that have been changed into another type of rock due to heat and pressure in the earth. Some examples of metamorphic rocks are slate which used to be shale and marble which used to be limestone.

Sedimentary rocks are really cool because they are rocks that have been pressed together over time. Most sedimentary rocks form under water and an interesting thing about sedimentary rocks is the fossils that are found within them because of the way they are formed. An example of a sedimentary rock is limestone and sandstone which is the picture above.

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